Customer care
Customer care is at the forefront of our business, and we are passionate about ensuring our customers are happy in their home.

We have several ways in which you can contact our customer care team, the easiest and quickest of these being through our customer portal.
Clixifix is our efficient online customer portal for managing aftercare items within your new home. The system enables you to log issues 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – you can include photos and videos to help us understand your concerns more easily.
Once you have raised a ticket through Clixifix it will go directly to our team for review, and will then be allocated to either our in-house maintenance team, or to our contractors to action. You will then be able to monitor progress through the portal and make any comments.
For all customer care matters we would recommend you first use our online portal however, you can also contact our team by phone or email.
Call (24 hours): 01494 683800
In the event of any emergency please call use our 24-hour customer care number 01494 683800.
Complaints process
If you are unhappy, we are unhappy, so we want to do all we can to put things right. We hope that you will not have cause to raise a formal complaint however, if after contacting our customer care team you are dissatisfied with the resolution of your complaint, the resolution has not been carried out within the estimated timescales or if you are not satisfied with the quality of customer service, we want to know about it. We are a Registered Developer with the New Homes Quality Board and comply with the New Homes Quality Code.
We have a dedicated Complaints Team who will investigate your complaint, and whenever possible, will endeavour to resolve it to your satisfaction. Please follow the formal complaints procedure below:
- Email or write to the complaints team using the addresses below.
- Your complaint will be acknowledged within 5 calendar days of the complaint initiation date*.
- We will make a full and thorough investigation of your complaint and respond to you confirming our proposed pathway to resolution within 10 calendar days of the complaint initiation date*. Our proposed resolution will include realistic timescales.
- Within 30 calendar days of the complaint initiation date we will send you a full assessment of your complaint including the current position. If the complaint has been resolved, we will detail what steps were taken to reach this resolution. If the matter is ongoing, we will detail why we have been unable to yet reach a conclusion and what continued measures we are taking to resolve, along with further timescales.
- In the unlikely event that we have been unable to reach a resolution after 56 calendar days of the complaint initiation date, we will correspond further with you to detail the next steps and any further timescales. We will also keep you updated no less than every 30 days.
- At whatever stage the complaint is concluded, we will correspond with you to conclude the matter including details of the measures we have taken.
- In the highly unlikely event we have been unable to reach a conclusion, or you remain unsatisfied with the conclusion, you may be able to refer your complaint to the dispute resolution service offered by your warranty provider, or the New Homes Ombudsman Service.
- It is at the sole discretion of the New Homes Ombudsman Service, and within their scheme rules, to decide when or if to accept a complaint. The New Homes Ombudsman Service will only consider complaints that have arisen within two years of legal completion. After this, any complaint pertaining to the structural integrity of your home should be referred to your warranty provider.
*The complaints initiation date is the first working day after a complaint is received. Examples:
If a complaint is received on a Monday, the complaint initiation date will be Tuesday.
If a complaint is received on a Saturday, the complaint initiation date will be the next Monday.
Please note that public holidays are not counted as a working day.